
MasterCard and Visa credit cards

With us you can pay easily and safely with your credit card. We accept credit cards from MasterCard and Visa providers. When you place your order, the invoice amount will be held on your credit card. Only when the merchandise is delivered to the sender will the credit card actually be charged. When returning an item or items, the amount is credited back to the account of the credit card used immediately after the receipt of the goods has been processed.


You can order from us easily and safely, cashless with PayPal. When you decide on this payment method, you will be redirected directly to PayPal to make the payment.

If you already have a PayPal account, you can log in as usual with your account details and complete the payment. If you're new to PayPal, you can create a user account at no cost by entering your bank or credit card details – this will save you having to re-enter them for every purchase you make. You then pay by entering your email address and password and you will receive a payment confirmation by email. Your order will then be processed simultaneously. Paying via PayPal costs you nothing.

When you return orders, the corresponding merchandise value will be credited back to your PayPal account.
Debit Cards

You can use your debit card (bank card) to make cashless payments for the invoice amount due. After receiving payment we will immediately process your order and ship your products.