
The Ultimate Entrance System

Intelligence and Technology


  • 40% of a buildings cleaning costs are spent on the floor.
  • No one wipes their feet when entering a commercial building so the more footsteps that land on mats, the more dirt is stopped from entering.
  • It is calculated that 5 metres of continuous matting is required to stop dirt from being tracked into the building.
  • Having more than one mat in place will help to reduce tracked dirt, the more footsteps the better the effect.


We have determined that there should be 3 types of mats in the entrance of a building to achieve maximum dirt and moisture capture.

  1. Primary – Remove coarse grit & heavy soil
  2. Secondary – Remove grit and moisture
  3. Tertiary – Remove fine dirt and moisture


The materials and construction of each mat type is purposely engineered to address a precise set of functions that combine to achieve an optimum effect when used together.

Here are just a few suggestions of suitable mat types that work well together in the 3 Mat System…

  1.  Primary – Kleen-Scrape, Water-Horse, Concourse Tile, Logo Outdoor
  2.  Secondary – Matrix Tile, Super-Mat, Iron-Horse XL, Wash-Horse
  3. Tertiary – Iron-Horse, Monotone, Jet-Print, Jet-Print Vision Plus

Embrace the Power of Three and create The Ultimate Entrance System for your building.